Autoimmunity Welcome to your Autoimmunity Functional Assessment! The cause of autoimmune diseases is still largely unknown; however, physicians and scientists have observed that environmental influences play an important role in their development and progression. This assessment shows whether you have a low, moderate, or high risk of your environmental factors contributing to autoimmunity and/or other health conditions and gives practical guidelines on how to reduce your risk.To complete the assessment, answer the following questions as accurately as possible and to the best of your ability. We look forward to providing you with educational and empowering information! Click the button below to begin!Which of the following condition(s) have you been diagnosed with? Celiac disease Crohn's disease Dermatomyositis/Polymyositis Fibromyalgia Grave's disease Hashimoto's thyroiditis Lupus Multiple chemical sensitivity Polymyalgia rheumatica Psoriasis Rheumatoid arthritis Scleroderma Sjogren's disease Type 1 diabetes Ulcerative colitis Vasculitis Vitiligo Other autoimmune condition Are you taking pharmaceutical medication for your condition(s)? Yes No Have you ever tried natural therapies to manage your condition(s)? Yes No Are you interested in a functional medicine approach (working with your body and using as few pharmaceutical drugs as possible) to managing your condition(s)? Yes No Do you know your vitamin D level? Yes No What type of cookware do you use? Non-stick/Teflon pans Stainless steel Aluminum pots and pans Other How much time do you spend outdoors per day? 0-10 minutes 10-45 minutes 45-60 minutes >60 minutes Do you wear sunscreen/sunblock? No Yes, a zinc oxide- or titanium dioxide-based sunscreen Yes, whatever I have at home What type of fish do you eat? I don't eat fish Small fish like anchovies and sardines Wild-caught salmon Shrimp Shellfish Clams Oysters Scallops Alaskan salmon How many different pharmaceutical drugs are you currently on? None 1 2 3 4 5+ Do you smoke tobacco or use any tobacco products? I currently use tobacco products I used tobacco in the past, but don't anymore I've never used tobacco products How often do you consume wheat-containing products such as crackers, muffins, bread, and pasta? once or less per week 1-2 times per week 3-5 times per week 6-7 times per week >7 times per week How many servings of fruit AND vegetables do you consume per day? 1-2 3-5 6+ If you have any additional or clarifying comments, feel free to include them below. Email Time's up