Free Book Offer

The amazing story of how I Helped My mom reclaim her life from vicious mental health problems that left a psychiatrist fuming aND how to get on her plan to get your life back

Discover How to get on the right road to recovery without adding more and more mind-numbing medications or dangerous therapies that compromise your long-term health, life Goals & Future Happiness

Hello, I’m Dr. Janelle Louis. I’m a licensed naturopathic physician and,  for a limited time, I want to give you a copy of my Amazon bestselling book for FREE (just pay the shipping) plus a bonus free gift sent to your email inbox! It’s part of my efforts to spread the word that there are real, life-changing, whole-person, effective solutions for mental health concerns. In this book you’ll learn about:

  • The Best Proven Methods for Addressing Mental Health
  • How Lifestyle and Food Choices Can Make or Break Your Progress
  • How Genetics Affect Your Response to Treatment
  • How Trauma in Childhood and Adulthood Can Hinder Progress and What to Do About It
  • How Dysregulated Hormones Can Negatively Impact Mental Health
  • How Inflammation, Gut Bacteria, & Environmental Exposure Can Help or Hinder Progress
  • That There is Hope to Finding a Path of Healing Without Medication and How to Use it When Needed
  • And Much More…

What People Are Saying


… I am now essentially free from daily anxiety and my sleep has improved dramatically

..Personally, I have struggled with anxiety and sleep related problems most of my adult life and while I have been on pharmaceutical drugs for those issues, they were still not fully controlled. What I came to realize was missing, was the link between traditional medicine and integrative medicine and I found that with Dr. Louis.

By integrating her holistic approach into my care, I am now essentially free from daily anxiety and my sleep has improved dramatically. Her breadth of knowledge is impressive; not only of more natural options, but also regarding traditional pharmaceuticals and how they impact the body. And she is great at sitting and really listening to what her patients have to say.

Within three visits and with a couple of very affordable genetic tests she recommended, we came up with a plan that included some dietary changes and supplementation. I am feeling better than I have in years!


Save yourself the research, skepticism, etc – and just get in there

I can’t say enough about this practice. Dr. Louis identified a long term condition that enabled me to get off an RX that I had been on for years! I was VERY hesitant; I probably spoke to Jeff (the office manager) at least 3 different times for a total of 75 minutes before I pulled the trigger … peppering him with questions about the different plans, what if it doesn’t work, sharing that I felt like I had tried everything with no results … he was confident they could help, and he was right. Bottom line: best time and money I’ve ever spent. Save yourself the research, skepticism, etc – and just get in there…

Staci profile-pic

Better Results Under Her Care Than With The 2 Previous Naturopathic Doctors

“…Dr. Louis took her time listening to my story and she asked some important questions which helped her to determine the best course of action for my specific situation. I was able to see better results under her care than with the 2 previous naturopathic doctors. Since I have been following her detailed wellness plan I feel significantly better…”


Dr. Janelle Louis is a licensed naturopathic doctor, the author of Optimize Your Body, Heal Your Mind, and the developer of the P7 Protocol™ for integrated mental wellness. Dr. Louis currently practices at Focus Integrative Healthcare, a functional medicine practice in Atlanta, Georgia.


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